Information for visitors

Objects to visit

  • Small fortress (with the National cemetery)
  • Objects of the former ghetto (Ghetto Museum, Magdeburg Barracks, Prayer room and replica of "mansard", Exhibition, Ceremonial halls, columbarium and a central mortuary, Crematorium and Jewish cemetery, Cemetery of Soviet and Russian soldiers)

How to get us

Terezín is the best accessible by car or bus. More info here

Opening hours

Summer time: from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Winter time: from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m
This time is indicative, it differs for individual objects, see here


Payment only on the spot by cash/card. The ticket is valid for 4 days (each object can be visited only once).

Full: 310 CZK
Reduced: 240 CZK
Family fee: 630 CZK
This is the maximum entrance fee to all objects - time requirement 3-4 hours.

Complete price list here

Tours - options

With a guide - reservation at
tel. +420 416 724 535 or +420 604 241 179
A tour for the following day can only be booked from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Audio guide - downloadable at
Without a guide - no reservation required

Additional services and information

Refreshments – beverage and food vending machines
Sale of books and souvenirs
Parking for bicycles – in the Small Fortress inside, in the city near the buildings
Pets - it is not possible to enter the Small fortress, museums and exhibitions of the former ghetto with animals
Wheelchair accessibility - all objects are wheelchair accessible, except for the sightseeing route in the Little Fort, which is accessible with light assistance