Terezín Commemoration Ceremony 2021

5/9/21 @ 10:00, 0 National Cemetery at the Small Fortress

orial event on the ocassion of the 76th anniversary of liberation to commemorate the victims of Nazi persecution !A mem

  • beginning at 10 a.m. at the National Cemetery in front of the Small Fortress
  • organizer: Terezín Memorial under the auspices of the Minister of Culture of the Czech Republic
  • co-organizers: Ústí nad Labem Region, the City of Terezín, the Federation of Jewish Communities in the Czech Republic and the Terezín Initiative

The small fortress will be open to the public from about 10:30, all admission will be free in all buildings of the Terezín Memorial. We cordially invite everyone.
The event takes place within the framework of valid extraordinary measures of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic.